Technological innovations have changed the world, making it easier to do many tasks. Technology becomes commodified with time, and higher-order technology either creates a new ecosystem or disrupts the existing one. Any technological change occurs in waves that starts with an innovation and changes the existing way of working by generating a surge of development. While some innovations simply provide an alternative way of performing a task, others cause such a fundamental change that it is impossible to revert to the previous method.

ITIL4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy course examines the role of strategy during a digitally enabled organization. It provides a summary of the capabilities needed to compete in a digital world, and suggestions for a way organizations can evaluate new technology and its potential for competitive differentiation. The course offers a perspective about innovation, which can help organizations successfully utilize successive waves of disruptive technology. Although it doesn’t mention specific technologies or other future disruptive factors, it equips leaders to face and navigate the disruption to profit their organizations and stakeholders.
The ITIL4 course is split into three parts, each with a special purpose and structure:
- Part I introduces the key concepts of digital and IT strategy, digital disruption, and transformation.
- Part II takes you through a digital and IT strategy journey in alignment with the continual improvement model.
- Part III covers four strategic capabilities that are used through all stages of the digital and IT strategy journey.
uCertify course comes with lessons, TestPrep, and labs. The lessons are designed to keep you engaged and make learning fun. Labs are virtual environments created to allow you to experiment and apply your knowledge to real-life situations. Our new TestPrep game mode is responsible for learning management and helps students both retain and recall better by using randomization, mastery, and spaced learning in a gamified version.
So, check out the ITIL4 Leader course and start learning digital and IT strategy today with uCertify!