Everything you want to know about the 70-547-C#.NET exam

Q. What is the 70-547-CSHARP exam?

A. Microsoft’s 70-547-CSHARP exam is designed to test your knowledge of the Web-based application. The 70-547 exam measures your skills that include developing and designing Web applications, designing and developing a user interface, designing and developing a component, designing and developing an application framework, deploying and supporting an application, and testing and stabilizing an application.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the 70-547-CSHARP exam?

A. MCPD: Web Developer candidates must first earn the MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications certification, which consists of two papers:

Everything you want to know about the 70-554-VB.NET exam

Q. What is the 70-554-VB exam?

A. Microsoft’s 70-554-VB exam is designed to test your knowledge of the Enterprise Application Developer. The 70-554 exam measures your skills that include developing and implementing distributed applications by using ASP.NET, and the Microsoft .NET Framework with VB. The exam measures your knowledge of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and the new features of ASP.NET 2.0, developing and designing Enterprise applications, designing and developing a user interface, designing and developing a component, designing and developing an application framework, deploying and supporting an application, and testing and stabilizing an application.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the 70-554-VB exam?

A. This is one of two Professional Developer (PRO) Upgrade Exams for those who have obtained the MCSD on Microsoft .NET certification. Therefore, MCPD: Enterprise Developer candidates must first earn the MCSD .NET Certification, which consists of four mandatory core exams: Continue reading “Everything you want to know about the 70-554-VB.NET exam”

Everything you want to know about 70-547-VB.NET exam

Q. What is 70-547-VB exam?

A. Microsoft’s 70-547-VB exam is designed to test your knowledge of the Web-based application. The 70-547 exam measures your skills that include developing and designing Web applications, designing and developing a user interface, designing and developing a component, designing and developing an application framework, deploying, supporting, testing and stabilizing an application.

Q. What are the prerequisite for the 70-547-VB exam?
Continue reading “Everything you want to know about 70-547-VB.NET exam”