In today’s market, computer and data security are very important factors for any organization. Companies are looking for highly skilled and qualified professionals for data security. uCertify offers the Computer Security Fundamentals course for computer-savvy people as well as beginners in the area of computer security. This course provides an introduction to computer security and then covers a plethora of additional resources. With the help of this course, you will also get to know how hackers target the system and get the information about it. The course is a complete package of interactive lessons and performance-based labs. These labs simulate real-world, hardware, software and command line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course or training.

The Computer Security Fundamentals course covers computer security concepts and principles that improve a student’s skills in preventing the network from threats. This course has been designed for system administrators who are not security experts or anyone who has a working knowledge of computers and wishes to know more about cyber-crime and terrorism. Once you complete the course, you will gain expertise on topics such as:
- Malware
- Encryption
- Security Policies
- Cyber Detectives
- Network and Internet
- Denial of Service Attacks
- Computer Security Technology
- Cyber Stalking, Fraud, and Attacks
- Network and Vulnerability Scanning
- Cyber Terrorism and Information Welfare
All uCertify courses come with hands-on learning items that can be used off the shelf or customized based on your teaching needs. These courses have been made interactive with virtual labs, simulations, and 50+ interactive items. We offer cloud-based, device-enabled, education management platform for flexible, traditional, and competency-based learning. With over nine ways to seamlessly integrate and deliver learning, uCertify platform can meet the needs of any company, school, or continuing education institution. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning Computer Security Fundamentals today with uCertify!