Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist (CEET)


This course includes
Hands-On Labs
AI Tutor (Add-on)

The Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist (CEET) course looks closely into the ethical considerations surrounding emerging technologies. From artificial intelligence and blockchain to cybersecurity and data privacy, this course covers a wide spectrum of topics essential for understanding and addressing ethical challenges in the digital age. This course helps you understand the ethical frameworks and principles guiding the development and deployment of emerging technologies and the ethical implications of key technological trends and innovations.


11+ Lessons | 236+ Exercises | 76+ Quizzes | 141+ Flashcards | 141+ Glossary of terms


50+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 50+ Post Assessment Questions | 100+ Practice Test Questions

Hands-On Labs

12+ LiveLab | 12+ Video tutorials | 21+ Minutes

Here's what you will learn

Download Course Outline

Lessons 1: About This Course

  • Course Description
  • Course Objectives

Lessons 2: Introduction to Ethics of Emerging Technologies

  • TOPIC A: What’s at Stake
  • TOPIC B: Ethics and Why It Matters
  • TOPIC C: Ethical Decision-Making in Practice
  • TOPIC D: Causes of Ethical Failures
  • Summary

Lessons 3: Identifying Ethical Risks

  • TOPIC A: Ethical Reasons
  • TOPIC B: Stumbling Blocks for Ethical Reasoning
  • TOPIC C: Identify Ethical Risks in Product Development
  • TOPIC D: Tools for Identifying Ethical Risks
  • TOPIC E: Use Regulations, Standards, and Human Rights to Identify Ethical Risks
  • Summary

Lessons 4: Ethical Reasoning in Practice

  • TOPIC A: Ethical Theories
  • TOPIC B: Use Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks
  • TOPIC C: Select Options for Action
  • TOPIC D: Avoid Problems in Ethical Decision-Making
  • Summary

Lessons 5: Identifying and Mitigating Security Risks

  • TOPIC A: What Is Security?
  • TOPIC B: Identify Security Risks
  • TOPIC C: Security Tradeoffs
  • TOPIC D: Mitigate Security Risks
  • Summary

Lessons 6: Identifying and Mitigating Privacy Risks

  • TOPIC A: What Is Privacy?
  • TOPIC B: Identify Privacy Risks
  • TOPIC C: Privacy Tradeoffs
  • TOPIC D: Mitigate Privacy Risks
  • Summary

Lessons 7: Identifying and Mitigating Fairness and Bias Risks

  • TOPIC A: What Are Fairness and Bias?
  • TOPIC B: Identify Bias Risks
  • TOPIC C: Fairness Tradeoffs
  • TOPIC D: Mitigate Bias Risks
  • Summary

Lessons 8: Identifying and Mitigating Transparency and Explainability Risks

  • TOPIC A: What Are Transparency and Explainability?
  • TOPIC B: Identify Transparency and Explainability Risks
  • TOPIC C: Transparency and Explainability Tradeoffs
  • TOPIC D: Mitigate Transparency and Explainability Risks
  • Summary

Lessons 9: Identifying and Mitigating Accountability Risks

  • TOPIC A: What Is Accountability?
  • TOPIC B: Identify Accountability Risks
  • TOPIC C: Accountability Tradeoffs
  • TOPIC D: Mitigate Accountability Risks
  • Summary

Lessons 10: Building an Ethical Organization

  • TOPIC A: What Are Ethical Organizations?
  • TOPIC B: Organizational Purpose
  • TOPIC C: Ethics Awareness
  • TOPIC D: Develop Professional Ethics within Organizations
  • Summary

Lessons 11: Developing Ethical Systems in Technology- Focused Organizations

  • TOPIC A: Policy and Compliance
  • TOPIC B: Metrics and Monitoring
  • TOPIC C: Communication and Stakeholder Engagement
  • TOPIC D: Ethical Leadership
  • Summary

Hands-on LAB Activities

Identifying Ethical Risks

  • Performing Nmap Port Scanning
  • Detecting Rootkits
  • Performing IDS Configuration with Snort
  • Reviewing Ethical Guidelines

Ethical Reasoning in Practice

  • Reviewing the Human Rights Policies of a Company

Identifying and Mitigating Security Risks

  • Creating and Binding an SSL Certificate to a Website
  • Performing SQL Injection with Kali Linux
  • Analyzing Malware
  • Simulating the DDoS Attack
  • Establishing an SSH Connection

Identifying and Mitigating Privacy Risks

  • Performing Symmetric Encryption
  • Examining Asymmetric Encryption