C Programming
(C-PROGRAM.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-477-3
About This Course
The C Programming course takes you through the core elements of coding, covering everything from understanding basic concepts like variables and control structures to mastering advanced topics like functions and memory management. Designed for simplicity, this course establishes a strong foundation, empowering you to create efficient and effective C programs.this course provides a sturdy foundation, empowering you to write efficient and effective C programs.
Skills You’ll Get
Get the support you need. Enroll in our Instructor-Led Course.
Interactive Lessons
35+ Interactive Lessons | 23+ Exercises | 124+ Quizzes | 95+ Flashcards | 95+ Glossary of terms
Hands-On Labs
58+ LiveLab | 10+ Video tutorials | 20+ Minutes
- Why the C Language?
- The C Programming For Dummies Approach
- How This Course Works
- Icons Used in This Course
A Quick Start for the Impatient
- What You Need to Program
- Command Prompt Programming
- IDE Programming
- Your First Program
The Programming Thing
- The History of Programming
- The Programming Process
Anatomy of C
- Parts of the C Language
- Behold the Typical C Program
Trials and Errors
- Display Stuff on the Screen
- More Text Output Nonsense
Values and Simple Math
- A Venue for Various Values
- The Computer Does the Math
A Place to Put Stuff
- Values That Vary
- Variable Madness!
- Constants Always the Same
Input and Output
- Character I/O
- Text I/O, but Mostly I
Decision Making
- What If?
- Multiple Decisions
- Multiple Comparisons with Logic
- The Old Switch Case Trick
- The Weird ?: Decision Thing
Loops, Loops, Loops
- A Little Déjà Vu
- The Thrill of for Loops
- The Joy of the while Loop
- Loopy Stuff
Fun with Functions
- Anatomy of a Function
- Functions and Variables
- Constants of the Global Kind
The Unavoidable Math Lesson
- Math Operators from Beyond Infinity
- Math Function Mania
- It’s Totally Random
- The Holy Order of Precedence
Give Me Arrays
- Behold the Array
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Arrays and Functions
Fun with Text
- Character Manipulation Functions
- String Functions Galore
- Fun with printf() Formatting
- Gently Down the Stream
Structures, the Multivariable
- Hello, Structure
- Weird Structure Concepts
Life at the Command Prompt
- Conjure a Terminal Window
- Arguments for the main() Function
- Time to Bail
Variable Nonsense
- Variable Control
- Variables, Variables Everywhere
Binary Mania
- Binary Basics
- Bit Manipulation
- The Joy of Hex
Introduction to Pointers
- The Biggest Problem with Pointers
- Sizing Up Variable Storage
- The Hideously Complex Topic of Pointers
Deep into Pointer Land
- Pointers and Arrays
- Strings Are Pointer-Things
- Pointers in Functions
Memory Chunks and Linked Lists
- Give Me Memory!
- Lists That Link
It’s About Time
- What Time Is It?
- Time to Program
Permanent Storage Functions
- Sequential File Access
- Random File Access
File Management
- Directory Madness
- Fun with Files
Beyond Mere Mortal Projects
- The Multi-Module Monster
- Other Libraries to Link
Out, Bugs!
- Simple Tricks to Resolve Problems
- The Debugger
- Improved Error Messages
Ten Common Boo-Boos
- Conditional Foul-Ups
- == v. =
- Dangerous Loop Semicolons
- Commas in for Loops
- Missing break in a switch Structure
- Missing Parentheses and Curly Brackets
- Don’t Ignore a Warning
- Endless Loops
- scanf() Blunders
- Streaming Input Restrictions
Ten Reminders and Suggestions
- Maintain Good Posture
- Use Creative Names
- Write a Function
- Work on Your Code a Little Bit at a Time
- Break Apart Larger Projects into Several Modules
- Know What a Pointer Is
- Add Whitespace before Condensing
- Know When if-else Becomes switch-case
- Remember Assignment Operators
- When You Get Stuck, Read Your Code Out Loud
Appendix A: ASCII Codes
Appendix B: Keywords
Appendix C: Operators
Appendix D: Data Types
Appendix E: Escape Sequences
Appendix F: Conversion Characters
Appendix G: Order of Precedence
A Quick Start for the Impatient
- Building a Project and Running a File
- Writing the Source Code
- Displaying Current Time and Day of the Week
- Writing Text to a File
- Finding a Specific Record in a File
- Separating Files from Directories
- Creating and Renaming a File
- Linking Two Source Code Files
- Creating a Debugger Target Build
- Using Debugger to Watch Variables
Anatomy of C
- Displaying the Result of Multiplication of Two Numbers
Trials and Errors
- Displaying a Rhyme Using the puts() Function
- Spotting Errors in the Code
Values and Simple Math
- Using Conversion Characters
- Minding the Extra Zeros
- Using the Multiplication Operator
- Using the Addition Operator
A Place to Put Stuff
- Working with a Variable
- Declaring Multiple Variables
- Using a Constant
Input and Output
- Fetching Characters Using getchar()
- Working with Character Variables
Decision Making
- Making a Comparison Using the if Keyword
- Using the Assignment Operator
- Using the if-else Structure
- Constructing a Meal Plan Using a Switch-Case Structure
Loops, Loops, Loops
- Counting with the for Statement
- Generating a 3-Letter Acronym
- Using a While Loop
Fun with Functions
- Using Local Variables in a Function
- Passing a Value to a Function
- Putting Defined Constants to Use
The Unavoidable Math Lesson
- Counting Up and Down
- Displaying Modulus Values
- Converting from Radians to Degrees
Give Me Arrays
- Finding Square of Array Elements
- Displaying the Stock Market Closing Numbers
- Sorting an Array Using Bubble Sort
- Creating a Three-Dimensional Array
Fun with Text
- Changing Characters
- Displaying the First and Last Names
Structures, the Multivariable
- Making an Array of Structures
- Putting Structures Within Structures
Life at the Command Prompt
- Quitting the Program
Variable Nonsense
- Using Typedef to Define a Structure
Binary Mania
- Displaying Binary Values
- Using the Bitwise | Operator
- Using the Bitwise & Operator
Introduction to Pointers
- Reading a Variable Size
- Reading an Array Size
- Reading a Structure Size
- Assigning Values by Using a Pointer
Deep into Pointer Land
- Displaying Array's Element and their Values
- Building an Array of Pointers
- Using Pointers to Display a String
- Swapping the Values of Two Integer Variables
Memory Chunks and Linked Lists
- Allocating Space Using the Malloc Function
- Traversing a Linked List