Everything you want to know about 70-548 (Visual Basic)

Q: What is the prerequisite for taking the exam 70-548 (VB)?

A: There is no such prerequisite for taking the exam 70-548. However, before taking the exam, you should have at least two years of experience in developing Microsoft Windows-based applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework and a working knowledge of Visual Studio 2005.

Q: Which programming languages can you choose for 70-548 exam?

A: You can choose the Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 programming language for this exam. Other programming languages are Microsoft Visual C# 2005 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2005.

Q: What credit does it provide?
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Everything you want to know about 70-529 C# .NET exam

Q. What is .NET 2.0 70-529-C# exam?

A. The Microsoft 70-529-CSHARP exam measures your knowledge and skills in developing and implementing distributed applications by using ASP.NET, and the Microsoft .NET Framework with C#. The exam measures your knowledge of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and the new features of ASP.NET 2.0. You have to take this exam along with 70-536 C#. NET, to ahcieve the MCTS: .NET 2.0 distributed Applications credential.

Q. What are the prerequisite for the 70-529-C# exam?

A. There is no prerequisite for the 70-529-C# exam. However, you must be well experienced with the C# language before you take the test. Even if you are new to the .NET field, you can still pass the test with self-study. This will require a lot of dedication and practice.
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Everything you want to know about test 70-290

Q. What is the pre-requisite for taking the test Managing and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Environment (70-290)?

A. The test 70-290 is appropriate for you if you are working or want to work in a typically complex computing environment of medium-to-large organizations. There are no specific prerequisites for this test, although it is recommended that you should have at least one year of experience in implementing and administering network operating systems in network environments.

Q. What certificate does test 70-290 provide?

A. Microsoft’s 70-290 test is designed to measure your ability to plan and maintain a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 environment. It tests your skills to manage and maintain a Windows Server 2003 environment. Upon passing this test you will become a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP).

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Everything you want to know about MCP certification

The Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certification is designed for individuals who implement a Microsoft technology or product as part of a business solution in an organization. The MCP certification is used to measure the technical proficiency and expertise of candidates. The requirements for each MCP certification are different and are specific to the product. A candidate who has passed any current certification exam (any exam that has not retired) as of October 1, 1998, will earn the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) credential.

What are the job roles for MCP certified professionals?

MCP certification prepares you for different job roles in the IT and networking fields. Some of the job roles that are suitable for Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) are as follows:

  • For Networking and System Administration: systems engineer, systems administrator, network administrator, information systems administrator, technical support engineers, systems analysts, network analysts and technical consultants. Related certification are MCSA and MCSE.
  • For Database Administration: database administrators, analysts, and developers. Related certification are MCDBA, MCTS and MCITP.
  • For Help Desk and Customer Support: technical support specialists, PC support specialists, help desk technician and customer support representatives. Related certification is MCDST.
  • For Programming and Web Development: programmer, software developer, software engineer, web developer or systems analyst, application developer, enterprise applications developer, software architect, and consultant.

What are the requirements for becoming MCP?

To get MCP certification, you have to take one mandatory test related to your field of expertise.

What are the benefits of having MCP certification?

The MCP certification proves expertise on the Microsoft products and technologies. Professionals holding the MCP certification are preferred by the employers and they also get preference in promotions. It is helpful for professionals who have entry-level certification in related technologies to upgrade their credentials and get recognition from the industry. And most importantly, on average, an MCP certified person gets more salary than persons having the same job profile.

How this certification helps employers?
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Everything you want to know about the MCSE 2003: Messaging certification

Microsoft’s MCSE 2003: Messaging certification is a specialized certification that validates your proficiency with Microsoft Exchange 2003 Server. The Microsoft MCSE 2003 certification has been designed for professionals who analyze the business requirements and design and implement the infrastructure for business solutions based on the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 platform and Microsoft Windows Server System.

What are the job roles for MCSE 2003: Messaging certified professionals?

The job roles for MCSE 2003: Messaging certified professionals typically include systems engineers, technical support engineers, systems analysts, network analysts, and technical consultants.

What are the requirements for achieving the MCSE 2003: Messaging certification?

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