Everything you want to know about the Security+ Bridge (BR0-001) exam?

For IT professionals who want to remain current on their certifications, CompTIA provides the following options for CompTIA Security+ certified professionals who have previously attained their CompTIA Security+ certification. Those individuals may choose to become certified under the CompTIA Security+ 2008 exam objectives in one of two ways:

  1. Take the new exam, CompTIA Security+ 2008 Edition (SY0-201).
  2. Take the CompTIA Security+ bridge exam (BR0-001), which measures only the differences between the 2002 exam objectives and the 2008 exam objectives.

Q. How many questions are asked in the test?

A. This test consists of multiple-choice questions. There are no case study type questions and the test is not adaptive. You will be required to attempt approximately 50 questions.

Q. What is the duration of the test?

A. Candidates are required to attempt all questions in 90 minutes.
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