Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is one of the greatest challenges that HR professionals and managers face today, but the situation is no different for employees as well. It is a measure of an employee’s contentment, satisfaction, or a feeling of accomplishment in the workplace. Sadly, 81% of workers would not think twice if provided with an opportunity to change their jobs. Interestingly enough, money is not the primary reason why they would accept a different job offer. 

Job satisfaction is as important to employers as it is to employees. From an employers’ perspective, a satisfied employee will show maximum effort in the workplace, which will undoubtedly reflect well on the company’s growth and revenue. 

Many factors influence the way in which job satisfaction is measured. Let us take a look at some of them.

Working Conditions and Compensation

Working conditions have a significant influence on whether employees are satisfied or dissatisfied with the roles they play in their companies. An employee who receives a good salary, bonuses, child care benefits, has health insurance, and is provided with wellness programs is expected to be more satisfied with his or her job than an employee who does not enjoy the same benefits.

According to a recent study, 60% of employees say that benefits are the third most important factor influencing job satisfaction, right after salary. Some jobs are particularly challenging and demanding, and workers want to be paid overtime—for example, in the construction industry. 

A US survey from 2019 showed that 90% of employees in the technology industry were satisfied with their working conditions. 

Work-Life Balance

The need to strike a balance between leading normal lives and being stuck with hectic work schedules cannot be overemphasized. The innate desire of every employee is to have a job where, in addition to a good paycheck, they can have some time off and, most importantly, an opportunity to spend time with their family and loved ones.

This is particularly true when it comes to millennials who crave personal space and quality time with their families. 

Respect and Recognition

It is generally true that rewards and appreciation for a work well done motivates employees to put more effort into work and achieve good results. That is the basis on which many top companies thrive. A sound reward system makes employees feel special and needed in the workplace.

The millennials, in particular, seek recognition and appreciation for a job well done in this fast-paced digital world where not much attention is paid to an individual. A brilliant way of showing acknowledgment for the job done is organizing in-house company events to show appreciation to the employees. Also, weekly or monthly feedback sessions could be organized to give workers an opportunity to share ideas and voice their opinion on different work-related topics. That way, employees would know that their input matters. 

New Challenges

Sometimes employees need to be faced with new challenges in the workplace. Monotonous tasks and mundane activities often lead to a lack of enthusiasm. Workers have the feeling they are stagnating and not making any progress career-wise. Hence, employers should encourage job rotation to help their employees feel more satisfied with their jobs. 

Job Security

Job security is one of the most important factors influencing job satisfaction. If employees are assured they will not be let go even in turbulent economic situations, that will naturally motivate them to put more effort into their daily tasks. A study has shown that out of those workers who are uncertain about their future in a company, 13% report high job dissatisfaction.

It is for job security reasons that employees in several developing countries are more interested in civil service employment. Such job positions are thought to have a high level of job security as opposed to private companies who can retrench workers as they please. 

The Bottom Line 

Employees have to be happy with their job positions and the roles they have in a company. Happy employees are more productive, which, in turn, reflects on the company’s growth. Like we mentioned above, there are several reasons why an employee may love his or her job or loathe it. Luckily for managers and HR professionals, many of those factors depend solely on them.