Everything you want to know about GIAC Information Security Professional (GISP) exam?

Q. What is the GIAC Information Security Professional (GISP) exam?
A. GIAC Information Security Professional (GISP) is a vendor-neutral certification that validates an individual’s understanding of information security. Professionals holding a GISP certificate can prove they have the skills required for IT security related fields. The GISP certification is designed to show that the successful candidate has understanding of technical information security and knowledge on the ten domains of knowledge as determined by ISC2 CISSP Exam.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the GISP exam?
A. There is no prerequisite for the GISP exam.

Q. What certificate does it provide?
A. The GISP exam is one test required to achieve the GISP certification as certified information security professionals.

Q. How many questions are asked in the test?
A. 250

Q. What is the duration of the test?
A. 5 hours

Q. Which type of the test is it? (Adaptive/Linear)
A. The GISP test is in a linear format.

Q. What is the passing score?
A. 70% (175 of 250 questions) is the minimum passing score to pass the exam.

Q. What is the test retake policy?
A. If you fail a GIAC Certification Exam, you may purchase a retake for the cost $199 by clicking on the “buy retake” link, under the “certification attempts” section in the GIAC exam engine area of your portal account. Once purchased, retakes are non-refundable.

A retake will extend your final certification attempt deadline by one month and your adjusted deadline will be displayed in your Exam Engine.

If you do not purchase the retake before your expiration date arrives, you will need to purchase an extension, and then purchase the retake. Please see the information on extensions below. Your access to any associated practice tests and/or audio files will be automatically extended to match your certification deadline.

Q. Is the GISP exam right for me?
A. GISP exam is ideal for the security Professionals that want to fill the gaps in their understanding of technical information security. This is helpful for System, Security, and Network Administrators who want to understand the practical applications of the Common Body of Knowledge. Managers can be benefited by understanding information security beyond simple terminology and concepts. GISP certification is also good for the individuals who are new to the information security field with some background in information systems and networking.

Q. What are the code languages available for the GISP exam?
A. English

Q. What are the skills being measured for the exam?
A. The GISP certification is designed to show that the successful candidate has understanding of technical information security and knowledge on the ten domains of knowledge as determined by ISC2 CISSP Exam.

Q. Where to take the test?
A. The primary method for taking a proctored exam is through our testing partner KRYTERION .

Q. How to locate a testing center?
A. Use the following link to locate find a KRYTERION testing center near you: http://www.giac.org/proctor/kryterion.php

Q. How to schedule, reschedule, cancel, or confirm the exam?
A. GIAC offers a complete Web-based solution, which enables you to schedule your proctored exam through KRYTERION via the GIAC/SANS portal interface.

If you want to reschedule your exam appointment, you may do so before 72 hours of exam appointment. Click here for the details of zchedule, reschedule, cancel, or confirm the exam.

Q. What is the exam fee?
A. $899

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