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Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA-EX200)

Master the key concepts of the Linux administration system and get ready to pass the prestigious certification exam EX-200.

(EX-200.AP2) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-451-3
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
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About This Course

Join our online training program that’s perfectly aligned with the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA - EX200) exam objectives to help you learn, prepare, practice and pass the certification with ease. Red Hat Ex200 is a comprehensive course that covers a wide range of topics, from basic system administration tasks to advanced configuration and troubleshooting. You’ll learn to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux, configure basic settings, and manage packages. Additionally, you’ll also explore storage management, security best practices, and troubleshooting techniques. After completing this RHCSA course, you’ll be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge required to pass the exam and earn your certification.

Skills You’ll Get

  • Knowledge of Linux architecture, installation, & configuration
  • Expertise in navigation, file management, & execution tasks
  • Expertise in group management, networking, system services, and storage management
  • Implement best security measures: Linux configuration and firewall management
  • Identify and resolve system related issues
  • Executing shell scripts




  • Goals and Methods
  • Who Should Read This Course?
  • How This Course Is Organized
  • Exam Objective to Lesson Mapping

Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  • Preparing to Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Performing an Installation
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Using Essential Tools

  • Basic Shell Skills
  • Editing Files with vim
  • Understanding the Shell Environment
  • Finding Help
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Essential File Management Tools

  • Working with the File System Hierarchy
  • Managing Files
  • Using Links
  • Working with Archives and Compressed Files
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Working with Text Files

  • Using Common Text File–Related Tools
  • A Primer to Using Regular Expressions
  • Using grep to Analyze Text
  • Working with Other Useful Text Processing Utilities
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Connecting to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

  • Working on Local Consoles
  • Using SSH and Related Utilities
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Labs

User and Group Management

  • Understanding Different User Types
  • Creating and Managing User Accounts
  • Creating and Managing Group Accounts
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Labs

Permissions Management

  • Managing File Ownership
  • Managing Basic Permissions
  • Managing Advanced Permissions
  • Setting Default Permissions with umask
  • Working with User-Extended Attributes
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Configuring Networking

  • Networking Fundamentals
  • Managing Network Addresses and Interfaces
  • Validating Network Configuration
  • Managing Network Configuration with nmtui and nmcli
  • Setting Up Hostname and Name Resolution
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Managing Software

  • Managing Software Packages with dnf
  • Using dnf
  • Managing Package Modules
  • Managing Software Packages with rpm
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Managing Processes

  • Introducing Process Management
  • Managing Shell Jobs
  • Using Common Command-Line Tools for Process Management
  • Using top to Manage Processes
  • Using tuned to Optimize Performance
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Working with Systemd

  • Understanding Systemd
  • Managing Units Through Systemd
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Scheduling Tasks

  • Understanding Task Scheduling Options in RHEL
  • Using Systemd Timers
  • Configuring cron to Automate Recurring Tasks
  • Configuring at to Schedule Future Tasks
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Configuring Logging

  • Understanding System Logging
  • Working with systemd-journald
  • Configuring rsyslogd
  • Rotating Log Files
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Managing Storage

  • Understanding MBR and GPT Partitions
  • Managing Partitions and File Systems
  • Mounting File Systems
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Managing Advanced Storage

  • Understanding LVM
  • Creating LVM Logical Volumes
  • Resizing LVM Logical Volumes
  • Configuring Stratis
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Labs

Basic Kernel Management

  • Understanding the Role of the Linux Kernel
  • Working with Kernel Modules
  • Upgrading the Linux Kernel
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Managing and Understanding the Boot Procedure

  • Managing Systemd Targets
  • Working with GRUB 2
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Labs

Essential Troubleshooting Skills

  • Understanding the RHEL 9 Boot Procedure
  • Passing Kernel Boot Arguments
  • Using a Rescue Disk
  • Fixing Common Issues
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

An Introduction to Automation with Bash Shell Scripting

  • Understanding Shell Scripting Core Elements
  • Using Variables and Input
  • Using Conditional Loops
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Configuring SSH

  • Hardening the SSH Server
  • Using Other Useful sshd Options
  • Configuring Key-Based Authentication with Passphrases
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Managing Apache HTTP Services

  • Configuring a Basic Apache Server
  • Understanding Apache Configuration Files
  • Creating Apache Virtual Hosts
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Managing SELinux

  • Understanding SELinux Working Modes
  • Understanding Context Settings and the Policy
  • Restoring Default File Contexts
  • Managing Port Access
  • Using Boolean Settings to Modify SELinux Settings
  • Diagnosing and Addressing SELinux Policy Violations
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Configuring a Firewall

  • Understanding Linux Firewalling
  • Working with Firewalld
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Accessing Network Storage

  • Using NFS Services
  • Mounting Remote File Systems Through fstab
  • Using Automount to Mount Remote File Systems
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Configuring Time Services

  • Understanding Local Time
  • Using Network Time Protocol
  • Managing Time on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Managing Containers

  • Understanding Containers
  • Running a Container
  • Working with Container Images
  • Managing Containers
  • Managing Container Storage
  • Running Containers as Systemd Services
  • Summary
  • Review All Key Topics
  • Review Questions
  • End-of-Lesson Lab

Final Preparation

  • General Tips

Theoretical Pre-Assessment Exam


Using Essential Tools

  • Using Internal and External Commands from the Shell
  • Using I/O Redirection and Pipes
  • Working with History
  • Using Bash Completion
  • Working with Vim
  • Managing the Shell Environment
  • Using man -k
  • Using info

Essential File Management Tools

  • Getting an Overview of Current Mounts
  • Working with Directories
  • Working with Files
  • Creating a Hard Link
  • Working with Symbolic and Hard Links
  • Using tar

Working with Text Files

  • Applying Basic less Skills
  • Using Basic head and tail Operations
  • Using Common grep Options

Connecting to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

  • Working on Several Terminal Windows Simultaneously
  • Working with Pseudo Terminals

User and Group Management

  • Switching User Accounts
  • Creating User Accounts
  • Working with Groups

Permissions Management

  • Managing Basic Permissions
  • Working with Special Permissions

Configuring Networking

  • Validating Network Configuration
  • Verifying Network Settings
  • Managing Network Connections with nmcli
  • Changing Connection Parameters with nmcli

Managing Software

  • Creating a Repository
  • Using dnf for Package Management
  • Using RPM Queries

Managing Processes

  • Managing Jobs
  • Managing Processes from the Command Line
  • Using tuned

Working with Systemd

  • Managing Units with systemctl
  • Changing the Unit Configuration

Scheduling Tasks

  • Using Systemd Timers
  • Running Scheduled Tasks Through cron
  • Scheduling Jobs with At

Configuring Logging

  • Using Live Log Monitoring and Logger
  • Discovering journalctl
  • Making the Systemd Journal Persistent
  • Changing rsyslog.conf Rules

Managing Storage

  • Creating MBR Partitions and Setting Up File Systems
  • Creating Logical Partitions
  • Creating GPT Partitions with gdisk
  • Creating Partitions with parted
  • Creating a Swap Partition
  • Mounting Partitions Through /etc/fstab

Managing Advanced Storage

  • Creating a LVM Structure
  • Resizing Logical Volumes
  • Managing Stratis Volumes

Basic Kernel Management

  • Managing Kernel Modules from the Command Line
  • Loading Kernel Modules with Parameters

Managing and Understanding the Boot Procedure

  • Isolating Targets
  • Applying Modifications to GRUB 2

An Introduction to Automation with Bash Shell Scripting

  • Writing a Simple Shell Script
  • Working with Positional Parameters
  • Working with Input
  • Using If ... Then ... Else

Configuring SSH

  • Configuring SSH Security Options

Managing Apache HTTP Services

  • Setting Up a Basic Web Server

Managing SELinux

  • Manipulating SELinux Modes
  • Setting a Context Label on a Nondefault Apache Document Root
  • Installing SELinux-Specific Man Pages
  • Using restorecon to Relabel Files

Configuring a Firewall

  • Managing the Firewall with firewall-cmd

Accessing Network Storage

  • Setting Up an Nfs Share

Configuring Time Services

  • Managing Local Time

Managing Containers

  • Running Containers With Podman
  • Managing Container Images
  • Managing Container Port Mappings
  • Bind Mounting In Rootless Containers

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It is a prestigious certification that’s recognized all over the world for Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems administration. It is highly recognised in the IT sector and having this certification can significantly improve your career prospects.

It is an industry-recognized course that validates your skills and knowledge in Linux and also opens doors to high-paying jobs in the IT sector.

  It depends on your location and discount coupons (if applicable). The standard exam fee for EX-200 is USD 200 + taxes.

  The percentage of passing scores is 70%.

  You can retake the exam if you are not successful in the first attempt. For more information visit the website.

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  Level up your Red Hat Enterprise Linux skills and get ready for the certification exam.

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