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Beginning Programming with Java

Learn how to create dynamic and interactive applications. Launch your software development career, today!

(JAVA-BASIC.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-518-3
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About This Course

It is a comprehensive introduction to Java Programming course, especially designed for beginners, to understand object-oriented programming principles and apply them for creating interesting projects. It is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in Java programming, enabling you to write, debug and understand Java programs. By the end of this Java programming for beginners course, you’ll be able to set up your computer; create and optimize the parts of a program; and use the building blocks: variables, values & types.

Skills You’ll Get

  • Expertise in variable declaration and usage of different types: int, float, char
  • Control the execution flow of a program with conditional statements (if-else, switch) and loops (for, while, do-while) 
  • Knowledge of OOP principles, including classes, objects, methods, and inheritance
  • Understanding of primitive data types (numbers, characters, booleans) and their usage
  • Create and manipulate arrays for storing data
  • Expertise in Java-integrated IDE for writing, compiling, and running Java programs
  • Identify and fix errors in Java code using debugging tools & techniques
  • Using the Swing library to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs)



  • About This Course
  • General Assumptions
  • Icons Used in This Course

The Big Picture

  • What’s It All About?
  • From Your Mind to the Computer’s Processor
  • Your Java Programming Toolset

Setting Up Your Computer

  • Let's Get Started
  • If You Need More Details …
  • What's Next?

Running Programs

  • Running a Canned Java Program
  • Some Programs Don't Come in Cans
  • What's All That Stuff in the IntelliJ IDEA Window?

Exploring the Parts of a Program

  • Checking Out Java Code for the First Time
  • The Elements in a Java Program
  • Understanding a Simple Java Program

Composing a Program

  • Computers Are Stupid
  • Building an Echo Chamber
  • Make IntelliJ Do All the Work
  • Expecting the Unexpected

Using the Building Blocks: Variables, Values, and Types

  • Various Variables and Ways in Which They Vary
  • What Do All Those Zeros and Ones Mean?
  • Reading Decimal Numbers from the Keyboard
  • Variations on a Theme
  • Experimenting with JShell

Numbers and Types

  • Using Whole Numbers
  • Creating New Values by Applying Operators
  • Size Matters

Numbers? Who Needs Numbers?

  • A Brief Character Study
  • The Moment of Truth (and Falsehood)
  • The Remaining Primitive Types

Forks in the Road

  • Decisions, Decisions!
  • Making Decisions (Java if Statements)
  • Variations on the Theme

Which Way Did He Go?

  • Forming Bigger and Better Conditions
  • Building a Nest
  • Enumerating the Possibilities
  • When One Line Isn't Enough

Around and Around It Goes

  • Repeating Instructions Again and Again and Again and Again
  • Where Does Each Statement Belong?
  • Priming the Pump

Circling Back to Java Loops

  • Repeating Statements a Certain Number of Times (Java for Statements)
  • Repeating Until You Get What You Need (Java do Statements)

Programming with Objects and Classes

  • The Class Is Always Cleaner
  • From Classes Come Objects
  • Another Way to Think about Classes
  • What's Next?

Using Methods and Fields from a Java Class

  • Long Live the String!
  • Using an Object's Methods
  • How to Achieve Static Equilibrium
  • The View from On High

Creating New Java Methods

  • Defining a Method within a Class
  • Let the Objects Do the Work
  • Passing the Buck
  • Getting a Value from a Method
  • What Next?

Piles of Files: Dealing with Information Overload

  • Running a Disk-Oriented Program
  • Writing a Disk-Oriented Program
  • Writing, Rewriting, and Re-Rewriting

How to Flick a Virtual Switch

  • Meet the switch Statement
  • A Switch in Time
  • Your Grandparents' switch Statement
  • Using a Conditional Operator

Creating Loops within Loops

  • Paying Your Old Code a Little Visit
  • Nested Development
  • Using Nested for Loops

Out of Many, One

  • Some Loops in Action
  • Reader, Meet Arrays; Arrays, Meet the Reader
  • Working with Arrays
  • Looping in Style
  • When Good Arrays Go Bad
  • What to Do When Arrays Go Awry

Oooey-GUI Was a Worm

  • Put Some Swing in Your Step
  • Drag-and-Drop for GUI Greatness

Ten Useful Classes in the Java API

  • ArrayList
  • File
  • Integer
  • JFrame
  • JOptionPane
  • Math
  • NumberFormat
  • Scanner
  • String
  • System

Ten Bits of Advice for New Software Developers

  • How Long Does It Take to Learn Java?
  • Which of Barry's Books Should I Read?
  • Are Books Other than Barry's Good for Learning Java and Android Development?
  • Which Computer Programming Language(s) Should I Learn?
  • What Skills Other than Computer Coding Should I Learn?
  • How Should I Continue My Learning as a Software Developer?
  • How Else Should I Continue My Learning as a Developer?
  • How Can I Get a Job Developing Software?
  • I Still Don't Know What to Do with My Life
  • If I Have Other Questions, How Can I Contact Barry Burd?


Running Programs

  • Running a Canned Java Program

Exploring the Parts of a Program

  • Printing the Data

Composing a Program

  • Building an Echo Chamber

Using the Building Blocks: Variables, Values, and Types

  • Reading Decimal Numbers from the Keyboard
  • Experimenting with JShell

Numbers and Types

  • Reading Whole Numbers From the Keyboard
  • Finding a Remainder

Numbers? Who Needs Numbers?

  • Making a Word Go Backward

Forks in the Road

  • Using the Java if Statement

Which Way Did He Go?

  • Enumerating the Possibilities

Around and Around It Goes

  • Priming the Loop

Circling Back to Java Loops

  • Deleting a File

Programming with Objects and Classes

  • Creating Several Objects

Using Methods and Fields from a Java Class

  • Putting a Name in String Variable

Creating New Java Methods

  • Calling a Method
  • Getting a Value from a Method

Piles of Files: Dealing with Information Overload

  • Running Disk-Oriented Code

How to Flick a Virtual Switch

  • Using the Switch Statement
  • Using a Conditional Operator

Creating Loops within Loops

  • Interacting with Disk Files Using a Loop

Out of Many, One

  • Using Conditions in a for Loop
  • Storing Occupancy Data in an Array

Oooey-GUI Was a Worm

  • Creating a Window with an Image in It
  • Creating a GUI Window

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It is an introductory Java programming course that equips you with skills and knowledge needed to create dynamic and interactive apps from scratch. Learn the fundamental concepts of Java programming with our hands-on exercises and projects that mirror real-world scenarios.

This course is ideal for those wanting to learn JAVA programming to create software applications, websites, or other digital products. It is especially beneficial for high school students wanting to learn programming, software professionals wanting to upgrade their existing skills, and aspiring game developers wanting to learn the fundamentals of Java (a popular gaming language).

No, this Java programming for complete beginners online course is ideal for those with very little or no prior experience of programming.

Yes, you’ll be exploring OOP principles including classes, objects, methods, and inheritance.

Learning Java programming can be a bit challenging especially for beginners without any prior experience. While the Java syntax is relatively simple, understanding the OOP concepts can take time and practice. It is recommended that you keep practicing and build on your skills gradually.

Yes, after completing the ‘Beginning Programming with Java’ course, you’ll get a certificate of completion.

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