A Practical Guide to Digital Forensics Investigations

Empower yourself to investigate cybercrime and earn your digital forensics certification with A Practical Guide to Digital Forensics Investigations.

(DIG-FORENSICS.AB1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-228-1
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
AI Tutor (Add-on)
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About This Course

A Practical Guide to Digital Forensics Investigations" helps you navigate the ever-evolving world of digital forensics. This course shares insights into evidence collection, analysis, and presentation techniques, preparing you to handle cybercrime investigations and contribute to legal proceedings. By the course's end, you'll be well-versed in handling digital evidence from various devices, applying best practices for chain of custody, and confidently presenting your findings.

Skills You’ll Get

  • Collect digital evidence from a variety of electronic devices.
  • Analyze and interpret digital evidence using industry-standard tools.
  • Apply best practices for maintaining the chain of custody throughout an investigation.
  • Understand legal considerations and procedures for presenting digital evidence in court.
  • Master techniques for data recovery, file system analysis, and network forensics.


15+ Lessons | 119+ Quizzes | 531+ Flashcards | 531+ Glossary of terms


141+ Pre Assessment Questions | 142+ Post Assessment Questions |

Hands-On Labs

42+ LiveLab | 00+ Minutes




The Scope of Digital Forensics

  • Popular Myths about Computer Forensics
  • Types of Digital Forensic Evidence Recovered
  • What Skills Must a Digital Forensics Investigator Possess?
  • The Importance of Digital Forensics
  • Job Opportunities
  • A History of Digital Forensics
  • Training and Education
  • Summary

Windows Operating and File Systems

  • Physical and Logical Storage
  • Paging
  • File Conversion and Numbering Formats
  • Operating Systems
  • Windows Registry
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Windows Features
  • Summary

Handling Computer Hardware

  • Hard Disk Drives
  • Cloning a PATA or SATA Hard Disk
  • Removable Memory
  • Summary
  • Reference

Acquiring Evidence in a Computer Forensics Lab

  • Lab Requirements
  • Private-Sector Computer Forensics Laboratories
  • Computer Forensics Laboratory Requirements
  • Extracting Evidence from a Device
  • Skimmers
  • Steganography
  • Summary

Online Investigations

  • Working Undercover
  • Dark Web Investigations
  • Virtual Currencies
  • Website Evidence
  • Background Searches on a Suspect
  • Online Crime
  • Capturing Online Communications
  • Edge Web Browser
  • Summary

Documenting the Investigation

  • Obtaining Evidence from a Service Provider
  • Documenting a Crime Scene
  • Seizing Evidence
  • Documenting the Evidence
  • Using Tools to Document an Investigation
  • Writing Reports
  • Using Expert Witnesses at Trial
  • Summary

Admissibility of Digital Evidence

  • History and Structure of the United States Legal System
  • Evidence Admissibility
  • Constitutional Law
  • When Computer Forensics Goes Wrong
  • Structure of the Legal System in the European Union (E.U.)
  • Privacy Legislation in Asia
  • Summary

Network Forensics and Incident Response

  • The Tools of the Trade
  • Networking Devices
  • Understanding the OSI Model
  • Introduction to VoIP
  • Incident Response (IR)
  • STIX, TAXII, and Cybox
  • Advanced Persistent Threats
  • Investigating a Network Attack
  • Summary

Mobile Forensics

  • The Cellular Network
  • Handset Specifications
  • Mobile Operating Systems
  • Standard Operating Procedures for Handling Handset Evidence
  • Handset Forensics
  • Manual Cellphone Examinations
  • Global Satellite Service Providers
  • Legal Considerations
  • Other Mobile Devices
  • Documenting the Investigation
  • Summary

Mobile App Investigations

  • Static Versus Dynamic Analysis
  • Dating Apps
  • Rideshare Apps
  • Communication Apps
  • Summary

Photograph Forensics

  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)
  • Project VIC
  • Case Studies
  • Understanding Digital Photography
  • Examining Picture Files
  • Evidence Admissibility
  • Case Studies
  • Summary

Mac Forensics

  • A Brief History
  • Apple Wi-Fi Devices
  • Macintosh File Systems
  • Macintosh Operating Systems
  • Apple Mobile Devices
  • Performing a Mac Forensics Examination
  • Case Studies
  • Summary

Case Studies

  • Silk Road
  • Las Vegas Massacre
  • Zacharias Moussaoui
  • BTK (Bind Torture Kill) Serial Killer
  • Cyberbullying
  • Sports
  • Summary

Internet of Things (IoT) Forensics and Emergent Technologies

  • 5G
  • Wi-Fi 6
  • Wi-Fi Mesh Networks
  • Shodan
  • Mirai Botnet
  • Cryptocurrency Mining
  • Alexa
  • Micro-Chipping
  • Fitness Trackers
  • Apple Watch
  • Action Cameras
  • Police Safety
  • Police Vehicles
  • Vehicle Forensics
  • Low-Tech Solution for High-Tech Seizures
  • Summary


The Scope of Digital Forensics

  • Displaying Metadata Information

Windows Operating and File Systems

  • Enabling the Peek Performance Option
  • Using a Hex Editor
  • Converting an NTFS Partition to FAT32 Using Disk Management
  • Converting a FAT32 Partition to NTFS Using Command Prompt
  • Converting a FAT32 Partition to NTFS Using Disk Management
  • Using FTK Imager
  • Exploring Windows File Registry
  • Using the Event Viewer
  • Using the Disk Defragmenter

Handling Computer Hardware

  • Installing an Optical Drive and a PCI Sound Card
  • Supplying Power to a SATA Drive
  • Installing Expansion Cards on a Motherboard
  • Installing a USB 3.0 PCI Express Card (2.0 x4)
  • Verifying RAM Usage
  • Installing FireWire Cards

Acquiring Evidence in a Computer Forensics Lab

  • Using GREP
  • Using the dd Utility

Online Investigations

  • Using MBSA
  • Using a Numeric IP Address to Locate a Web Server

Network Forensics and Incident Response

  • Analyzing Traffic Captured from Site Survey Software
  • Using NetWitness Investigator
  • Capturing Packets Using Wireshark
  • Using TCPdump
  • Finding a MAC Address of a System
  • Using the tracert Command
  • Getting Information about DNS (Layer 4)
  • Obtaining Information about the Net Firewall Profile
  • Obtaining IP Route Information from the IP Routing Table
  • Obtaining Information about an IP Version
  • Obtaining an IP version of a Network Adapter
  • Getting Information about UDP Ports
  • Getting Information about the Current Connection Statistics of UDP
  • Getting Settings of UDP
  • Getting Information about TCP Ports
  • Getting Information about the Current Connection Statistics of TCP
  • Getting the Settings of TCP

Mobile Forensics

  • Setting Up a VPN in Android
  • Configuring an Email in Android
  • Removing an Account in Android

Mac Forensics

  • Turning on Airplane Mode of an iPhone
  • Viewing the iOS Version of an iPhone

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  This course is designed for aspiring digital forensics investigators, law enforcement personnel, cybersecurity professionals, and anyone interested in learning about digital evidence collection and analysis.

  No prior experience is mandatory, but some basic IT knowledge can be helpful. The course aims to provide a solid foundation in digital forensics. However, it is recommended that you should do your preparation thoroughly before appearing for the exam. To facilitate your journey, uCertify offers this preparation course online that you can learn from anywhere anytime. 

  While the course provides valuable knowledge and skills, some digital forensics certifications may require additional training and exams.

  Yes, it does. Refer to the Hands-on LAB activities for more information.

  By completing the course, you'll gain skills in collecting digital evidence from various devices, analyzing and interpreting evidence with industry-standard tools, maintaining chain of custody, understanding legal considerations for presenting evidence, and mastering techniques for data recovery, file system analysis, and network forensics.

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Hack the Case, Master Digital Forensics Now!

Cybercrime is booming, and so is the demand for digital forensics investigators. "A Practical Guide to Digital Forensics Investigations" fast-tracks you to this thrilling field. Learn to collect, analyze, and present evidence. 


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