MCSD .NETMCAD .NETMCDBA 70-316 Short Notes & Tips

Creating User Services

  • The identity object of the IIdentity interface is used during the authentication process, when a user’s identity is verified. It contains information about a user who is being validated, such as username and password.
  • The principal object of the IPrincipal interface is used during the authentication process, when the application determines the data that can be accessed by a user and code to be executed. It contains information about a user’s identity, such as username and password, as well as information about a user’s role, such as manager or associate.
  • The correct sequence of the classes of the System.Windows.Forms namespace in descending order is as follows:
    1. Control
    2. ScrollableControl
    3. ContainerControl
    4. Forms
  • The MinimumSize property of the Form class is used to get or set the minimum size up to which a form can be resized.
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MCSD .NETMCAD .NETMCDBA 70-310 Short Notes & Tips

Creating and Managing Microsoft Windows(r) Services, Serviced Components, .NET Remoting Objects, and XML Web Services

    • The SessionID property of the HttpSessionState class identifies an active ASP.NET session by using a unique session ID.
    • The Process.Start method is used to start a Windows application and is registered in the system registry on a computer.
    • The Status property of the ServiceController class specifies the status of the current instance of a Windows service.
    • If a class derives from the ServiceBase class, the OnCustomCommand method is executed when the Service Control Manager (SCM) passes a custom command to the service. This method is used to specify actions when a command with the specified parameter value occurs.
    • The AutoLog property of the ServiceBase class is used to determine whether or not a service automatically logs the entries in the event log when events such as Start, Stop, Pause, and Continue occur.
    • The CreateEventSource method of the EventLog class establishes an application as a valid event source for writing event information to a particular event log on a computer.
    • The Imports statement is used to import namespace names from referenced projects and assemblies.

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Everything you want to know about MCITP Enterprise Support Technician certification

Microsoft’s MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician (Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Support Technician) certification validates that a professional has the knowledge and skills to support and troubleshoot the latest Microsoft Windows Vista operating system.

The MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician credential also certifies that the professional has the knowledge and skills to diagnose and resolve all types of desktop support issues, including mobile and personal devices.

What are the Job Roles for MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician certified professionals?

The job roles for MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician certified professionals typically include: technical support specialists, PC support specialists, help desk technician and customer support representatives.
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