How to prepare for the LPI 117-202 exam.

The LPI 117-202 exam is designed to test in-depth knowledge of an examinee on networking configuration, Web services, network client management, etc. Before taking the L117-202 exam, you should practice the following:

  1. Manage mail traffic.
  2. Implement a Web server.
  3. Configure Samba Server.
  4. Configure NFS Server.
  5. Maintain a Web server.
  6. Implement a proxy server.
  7. Configure DHCP, NIS, LDAP, and PAM.
  8. Continue reading “How to prepare for the LPI 117-202 exam.”

How to prepare for LPI 117-201 exam.

The L117-201 exam is designed to test your basic knowledge on the Linux kernel, system startup, filesystem, hardware configuration, system maintenance, DNS server configuration, network client management, etc. Before taking the L117-201 exam, you should practice the following:

  1. Compile, patch, and customize the Linux kernel.
  2. Customize system startup and boot processes.
  3. Perform system recovery.
  4. Continue reading “How to prepare for LPI 117-201 exam.”

How to prepare for the 117-101 exam.

The L117-101 exam is designed to test the basic knowledge of an examinee about various hardware, their configuration and installation, his understanding of the Linux operating system, and of installing and configuring various Linux utility packages. Before taking the L117-101 exam, you should practice the following:

  1. Determine and configure hardware settings.
  2. Boot the system.
  3. Change runlevels and shut down or reboot system.
  4. Design the hard disk layout.
  5. Continue reading “How to prepare for the 117-101 exam.”

How to prepare for IBM DB2 730 fundamental exam

The IBM-DB2-730 exam is designed to test in-depth knowledge of an examine on DB2 database security management, database creation and deletion, Tables, Views, Indexes management, etc. Before taking the IBM-DB2-730 exam, you should practice the following:

  1. Understand features or functions available in DB2 tools.
  2. Understand non-relational data concepts.
  3. Perform database encryption.
  4. Identify and connect to DB2 servers and databases.
  5. Create and delete database (data) objects.
  6. Use SQL to SELECT Data from tables.
  7. Continue reading “How to prepare for IBM DB2 730 fundamental exam”