Everything you want to know about Project+ (PK0-003) exam?

Q. What is the Project+ (PK0-003) exam?

A. The CompTIA Project+ (2009) certification is an international, vendor-neutral certification that covers the entire project life cycle from initiation and planning through execution, acceptance, support and closure. CompTIA Project+ gives project managers the skills necessary to complete projects on time and within budget, and creates a common project management language among project team members.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the PK0-003 exam?

A. There is no prerequisite for taking the test PK0-003. However, it is recommended that CompTIA Project+ candidates should have at least One year experience of practical project management.

Q. What certificate does it provide?

A. Passing the test PK0-003 provides Project+ (2009) certification.
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