Everything you want to know about MB2-633 exam

Q. What is the exam?
A. This Microsoft’s MB2-633 exam is designed for those professionals who want to understand how the components are used in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 deployment and also understand that how those components should be effectively installed and deployed for supporting Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the exam?
A. There are no pre-requisite for this exam.

Q. How many questions are asked in the test?
A. 50

Q. What is the duration of the test?
A. 100 minutes

Q. Which type of the test is it? (Adaptive/Linear)
A. Linear

Q. What is the passing score?
A. 700

Q. What is the test retake policy?
A. The candidate has to re-register for this exam.

Q. Is the MB2-633 exam right for me?
A. The Microsoft MB2-633 test is designed to measure the level of knowledge about the deployment and installation of the component of Microsoft Dynamic CRM 4.0 of a candidate.

Q. What to expect in the exam?
A. The MB2-633 exam is comprised of 50 multiple-choice questions. All pretest questions are randomly placed throughout the examination. You need to attempt all 50 questions in 100 minutes.

Q. What are the code languages available for the MB2-633 exam?
A. English

Q. What are the skills being measured for the exam?
A. The Microsoft MB2-633 test is designed to measure the level of knowledge about the deployment and installation of the component of Microsoft Dynamic CRM 4.0 of a candidate. Before taking the MB2-633 exam, you should practice the following:

  • Planning a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Implementation
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM Installation
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook
  • Redeployment and Upgrading
  • Uninstalling and Repairing

Q. How do I register for an exam?
A. Prometric