Some quick FAQs to learn about Microsoft 70-306 exam

Q: What are the prerequisites for taking the exam 70-306?

A: Before taking the exam, you should have at least one year of experience in developing Windows-based applications. You should also have a working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

Q: What credit does it provide?

A: After passing the exam, you will achieve the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status. You will also be eligible for the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) for Microsoft .NET, the Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) for Microsoft .NET, and the Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 certifications.
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N10-003 Network+ Short Notes

Media and Topologies

  • Centralized computing is an environment in which a mainframe computer provides data storage and computational abilities.
  • Bus topology uses a 10Base2 cable.
  • Bus topology is the easiest to implement.
  • Bus and Ring are zero fault tolerant topologies.
  • Full-mesh topology is the most fault tolerant topology.
  • Mesh topology is a type of physical network design where all devices in a network are connected to each other with many redundant connections.
  • In star topology, when a single connection to one of the network hosts fails, the failed connection will be down and the host will not have network connectivity.
  • LEDs on a network card of a client computer indicates the sending and receiving of data.
  • Continue reading “N10-003 Network+ Short Notes”

MCSD .NETMCAD .NETMCDBA 70-306 Short Notes &Tips

Creating User Services

  • The identity object that implements the IIdentity interface, is used during the authentication process, when a user’s identity is verified. It contains information about a user who is being validated, such as username and password.
  • The principal object that implements the IPrincipal interface, is used during the authentication process when the application determines the data that can be accessed by a user and the code to be executed. It contains information about a user’s identity, such as username and password, as well as information about a user’s role, such as manager or associate.
  • Setting the MinimizeBox property of a Windows form to false prevents the minimize button from being displayed in the caption bar of the form.
  • Continue reading “MCSD .NETMCAD .NETMCDBA 70-306 Short Notes &Tips”

Everything you want to know about 70-306

Q: What are the prerequisites for taking the exam 70-306?

A: Before taking the 70-306 exam, you should have at least one year of experience in developing Windows-based applications. You should also have a working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

Q: What credit does 70-306 exam provide?

A: After passing the exam, you will achieve the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status. You will also be eligible for the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) for Microsoft .NET, the Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) for Microsoft .NET, and the Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 certifications.

Q: Which certification does 70-306 exam cover?
Continue reading “Everything you want to know about 70-306”