Oracle database 10g certification exam details

Q. What is the pre-requisite for taking the 1z0-045 test?

A. 1z0-045 is an upgrade test for all Oracle 8i OCPs (1z0-020). Therefore, to give 1z0-045, you must be 8i OCP. 1z0-045 is titled as Oracle Database 10g DBA New Features for Oracle8i OCPs. The best way to study for any certification is self-studying and getting hands on the software.
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Things to practice for Oracle test 1Z0-045.

Oracle has designed 1z0-045 (Oracle Database 10g DBA New Features for Oracle8i OCPs) as an upgrade certification test, which helps you to upgrade from an Oracle 8i Certified Professional to an Oracle 10g Certified Professional (OCP). Apart from studying books and taking various practice tests, you should also practice with Oracle 10g software, which will be of great importance from the test point of view.

Before taking this exam, you should practice the following:

  1. Install Oracle 10g.
  2. Use EM to perform various activities pertaining to a database.
  3. Use data pump commands to import and export data.
  4. Identify advisor’s recommendations to manage the space within a database.
  5. Recognize and manage the server-generated alerts.
  6. Automate tasks with scheduler.
  7. Define VLDB supports.
  8. Perform database backup and recovery with enhanced features.
  9. Continue reading “Things to practice for Oracle test 1Z0-045.”

Everything you want to know about the 1z0-045 test

Q. What is the pre-requisite for taking the 1z0-045 test?

A. 1z0-045 is an upgrade test for all Oracle 8i OCPs (1z0-020). Therefore, to give 1z0-045, you must be 8i OCP. 1z0-045 is titled as Oracle Database 10g DBA New Features for Oracle8i OCPs. The best way to study for any certification is self-studying and getting hands on the software.

Q. How can I register for the test?

A. You can register yourself through the Oracle registered testing centers. After getting yourself registered for the test, you can contact the testing center to know the schedule (date and time) of your test. Oracle certifications can be taken only at authorized Prometric testing centers worldwide. The test date may depend on your choice (and availability of slot) in your selected test center. You may choose to register yourself online at Prometric Website .
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