How to prepare for 1D0-520 exam.

The CIW v5 Site Designer (1D0-520) test objectives are not product-specific or system-specific. The CIW v5 Site Designer (1D0-520) test focuses on the combination of basic technical and non-technical skills and knowledge required for those interested in Web site development and design. Before taking the CIW v5 Site Designer exam 1D0-520, you should practice the following:

  1. Identify and manage elements of the Web site development process.
  2. Identify elements of the Web site project and design.
  3. Identify steps in the Web site planning and development process.
  4. Create a Web page and add images to the Web page.
  5. Know the ethical and legal issues relevant to Web development and design.
  6. Continue reading “How to prepare for 1D0-520 exam.”