MCSD .NET 70-315 Short Notes: Exam Passing Tips

Creating User Services

  • The SessionID property of the HttpSessionState class identifies an active ASP.NET session by using a unique session ID.
  • The @ Import directive is used to explicitly import a namespace into an ASP.NET application.
  • The @ Implements directive is used to implement a specified .Net Framework interface in a Web page.
  • The CodeBehind attribute of the @ Page directive specifies the name of the compiled file that contains the class associated with the page.
  • The ErrorPage attribute of the @ Page directive is used to set the URL if an unhandled exception occurs. Sam can set this target to the home page.
  • The Language attribute of the @ Page directive specifies the language used while compiling the inline rendering and code declaration blocks.
  • The Inherits attribute of the @ Page directive specifies a code-behind class for the page to inherit. It can be any class that is derived from the Page class.
  • Public variables and objects can be accessed from all other procedures and functions in all the modules in the same project.
  • The public class Manager : HeadOfDept declaration will create a class named Manager, which implements the HeadOfDept interface.
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MCSD .NETMCAD .NETMCDBA 70-316 Short Notes & Tips

Creating User Services

  • The identity object of the IIdentity interface is used during the authentication process, when a user’s identity is verified. It contains information about a user who is being validated, such as username and password.
  • The principal object of the IPrincipal interface is used during the authentication process, when the application determines the data that can be accessed by a user and code to be executed. It contains information about a user’s identity, such as username and password, as well as information about a user’s role, such as manager or associate.
  • The correct sequence of the classes of the System.Windows.Forms namespace in descending order is as follows:
    1. Control
    2. ScrollableControl
    3. ContainerControl
    4. Forms
  • The MinimumSize property of the Form class is used to get or set the minimum size up to which a form can be resized.
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MCSD .NETMCAD .NETMCDBA 70-306 Short Notes &Tips

Creating User Services

  • The identity object that implements the IIdentity interface, is used during the authentication process, when a user’s identity is verified. It contains information about a user who is being validated, such as username and password.
  • The principal object that implements the IPrincipal interface, is used during the authentication process when the application determines the data that can be accessed by a user and the code to be executed. It contains information about a user’s identity, such as username and password, as well as information about a user’s role, such as manager or associate.
  • Setting the MinimizeBox property of a Windows form to false prevents the minimize button from being displayed in the caption bar of the form.
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MCSD .NETMCAD .NETMCDBA 70-310 Short Notes & Tips

Creating and Managing Microsoft Windows(r) Services, Serviced Components, .NET Remoting Objects, and XML Web Services

    • The SessionID property of the HttpSessionState class identifies an active ASP.NET session by using a unique session ID.
    • The Process.Start method is used to start a Windows application and is registered in the system registry on a computer.
    • The Status property of the ServiceController class specifies the status of the current instance of a Windows service.
    • If a class derives from the ServiceBase class, the OnCustomCommand method is executed when the Service Control Manager (SCM) passes a custom command to the service. This method is used to specify actions when a command with the specified parameter value occurs.
    • The AutoLog property of the ServiceBase class is used to determine whether or not a service automatically logs the entries in the event log when events such as Start, Stop, Pause, and Continue occur.
    • The CreateEventSource method of the EventLog class establishes an application as a valid event source for writing event information to a particular event log on a computer.
    • The Imports statement is used to import namespace names from referenced projects and assemblies.

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Microsoft C#.NET Exam 70-320 Short Notes & Tips

Creating and Managing Microsoft Windows Services, Serviced Components, .NET Remoting Objects, and XML Web Services

  • The SessionID property of the HttpSessionState class identifies an active ASP.NET session by using a unique session ID.
  • The Process.Start method is used to start a Windows application and is registered in the system registry on a computer.
  • A constructor is used to create an object that is an instance of a class. It has the same name as the class in which it resides.
  • A sealed class is a class that cannot be derived from. Sealed classes are primarily used to prevent unintended derivation.
  • If a class derives from the ServiceBase class, the OnCustomCommand method is executed when the Service Control Manager (SCM) passes a custom command to the service. This method is used to specify actions when a command with the specified parameter value occurs.
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