How to prepare for 70-441 exam.

We designed 70-441 preparation kit to help you get certified effortlessly. PRO: SQL Server 2005 Designing Solutions exam PrepKit contains everything you need to pass the exam in first attempt. Before taking the 70-441 test, you should practice the following:

  1. Create databases and database objects through SQL Server Management Studio and SQL statements.
  2. Use different tools to optimize database and database objects.
  3. Understand the methods of creating reports.
  4. Understand the methods of creating integration packages.
  5. Understand the working of SQL Server Agent.
  6. Secure database and database objects.
  7. Apply restrictions on database objects.
  8. Configure and use Database Mail.
  9. Configure SQL Server Agent.
  10. Start and stop different SQL Server services.
  11. Understand datatypes.
  12. Understand system and user objects.
  13. Understand various statements to create, modify, and drop databases and database objects.
  14. Understand various statements of retrieving data.
  15. Understand usage of indexes.
  16. Understand portioning of tables and indexes.
  17. Know various steps to create different types of stored procedures, functions, and triggers.

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