Everything you want to know about the Adobe AfterEffects 9A0-152 exam?

Q. What is the 9A0-152 exam?
A. The 9A0-152 exam is developed for business professionals who want to demonstrate proficiency with Adobe AfterEffects CS5.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the 9A0-152 exam?
A. There are no prerequisites for the 9A0-152 exam.

Q. What credit does the 9A0-152 exam provide?
A. On successful completion of the exam, you will be an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE), Adobe AfterEffects CS5.

Q. How many questions are asked in the test?
A. This exam consists of multiple-choice questions. You will be required to attempt approximately 80 questions.

Q. What is the duration of the test?
A. Candidates are required to attempt all questions in approximately 120 minutes.

Q. Which type of test is it? (Adaptive/Linear)
A. The 9A0-152 exam is in linear format.

Q. What is the passing score?
A. The passing score for the 9A0-152 exam is 65%.

Q. What is the test retake policy?
A. If you fail in the 9A0-152 exam, you will have to purchase a new exam voucher to retake the exam. There is no wait time fixed between the two attempts.

Q. What skills are measured in the 9A0-152 exam?
A. This certification exam is designed to measure the knowledge and skills in user interface and Workflows, importing and organizing footage items, working with other software and Dynamic Link, projects and compositions, working with layers in the Timeline, views and previews, building 3D compositions, color and HDR, drawing, painting, and paths, shape Tools, creating and animating Text, transparency and compositing, working with Effects, markers and metadata, memory, storage, and performance, tracking, expressions, rendering and exporting.

Q. Where can I take the test?
A. Adobe exams may be taken at Pearson VUE. There are more than five thousand authorized testing centers worldwide. You can register your exam in any center by phone, on the Web, or in-person.

Q. What is the exam fee?
A. The fee for the 9A0-152 exam is US $150.

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