Everything you want to know about IBM DB2 000-730 exam?

Q. What is the IBM DB2 000-730 exam?
A. The IBM-DB2-730: DB2 9 Family Fundamentals certification is intended for experienced DB2 9 users who possess the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the day-to-day administration of DB2 9 instances and databases residing on Linux, UNIX, or Windows platforms. Passing this test will help you in achieving IBM DB2 9 DBA for Linux UNIX and Windows certification. You also have to pass this test if you want to pursue the more advanced DBA certification.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the IBM DB2 000-730 exam?
A. No prerequisites.

Q. What are the benefits to becoming IBM DB2 000-730?
A. There are the following certification benefits a user can get after becoming IBM DB2 DBA:

  • IBM DB2 DBA certification proves expertise on the IBM products and technologies.
  • DB2 9 DBA for Linux, UNIX and Windows certified candidates find it easy to enter into the job market.
  • The IBM DB2 000-730 exam ensures a solid foundation of skills within the candidates and enhances their ability to perform effectively in the particular area.
  • DB2 DBA certification improves the productivity of the candidates and hence, accelerates their professional development.
  • DB2 9 DBA certification not only benefits the fresh candidates by providing them various job opportunities, but also helps the experienced people in keeping themselves up-to-date in the field of new technologies.
  • The DB2 000-730 test proves the potential of the candidates and facilitates them with top computer jobs with a higher salary in the field of IBM DB2.

Q. What certificate does it provide?
A. It is the primary exam of DB2 DBA certification.

Q. How many questions are asked in the test?
A. You will be required to attempt approximately 64 questions.

Q. What is the duration of the test?
A. Users are required to attempt all questions in 90 minutes.

Q. Which type of the test is it? (Adaptive/Linear)
A. Adaptive

Q. What is the passing score?
A. 590

Q. What is the test retake policy?
A. The same certification test may be taken only two times within a 30 day period. If a certification exam is not completed successfully on the first attempt, there is no waiting requirement before taking the test a second time. However, candidates may not take the same test more than twice within any 30 day period of time. Additionally, retakes are not allowed after the successful completion of an exam. A test result found to be in violation of the retake policy will not be processed, which will result in no credit awarded for the test taken. Repeat violators will be banned from participation in the IBM Professional Certification Program.

Q. What to expect in the IBM DB2 000-730 exam?
A. This test consists of Multiple Choice questions. There are no Case study type questions. You will be required to attempt approximately 64 questions in 90 minutes. To pass, you need a score of 590 out of 1000.

Q. What are the skills being measured for the IBM DB2 000-730 exam?
A. The IBM-DB2-730 exam is designed to test the knowledge of an examinee on understanding basic knowledge of DB2 tools and products, controlling database access and authentication, creating and establishing database connection, working with DB2 data using SQL and XQuery, understanding database concurrency, etc. Following are some important areas in which an individual should possess good knowledge before taking the IBM-DB2-730 test:

  1. Understanding features or functions available in DB2 tools.
  2. Controlling database access.
  3. Granting authorities and privileges.
  4. Managing database instances.
  5. Creating and establishing a database connection.
  6. Working with DB2 data using SQL and XQuery.
  7. Working with DB2 Tables, Views, and Indexes.
  8. Understanding database concurrency.

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