Everything you want to know about Display Advertising Advanced exam?

Q. What is the Display Advertising Advanced exam?
A. The Display Advertising Exam covers intermediate-to-advanced best practices for advertising on YouTube and the Google Content Network. This exam allows you to show specialized knowledge within AdWords, which can help you if you offer particular services in addition to basic account management.

Q. What are the prerequisites for the Display Advertising Advanced exam?
A. There is no pre-requisite for this exam.

Q. What are the benefits to becoming an Individual Qualified in Google Adwords?
A. The benefits of gaining individual qualification is as follows:

  1. Improved knowledge and practical application of AdWords tools
  2. Globally recognized stamp of approval certifying essential AdWords knowledge
  3. Showcase a specialist knowledge through advanced exams covering search, display, and reporting

Q. What credit does the Display Advertising Advanced exam provide?
A. The Display Advertising Advanced exam counts as a credit toward the Individually Qualified in Google AdWords certification.

Q. How many questions are asked in the test?
A. You will be required to attempt approximately 110 questions.

Q. What is the duration of the test?
A. Users are required to attempt all questions in 120 minutes.

Q. Which type of the test is it? (Adaptive/Linear)
A. Linear

Q. What is the passing score?
A. The passing score for this exam is 70%.

Q. What is the test retake policy?
A. You can take new exam every seven days. Please note that you will have to pay the registration cost each time you take the exam.

Q. What are the skills being measured for the Display Advertising Advanced exam?
A. The skills being measured for this exam is as follows:

  1. Displaying Advertising on the Google Display Network
  2. Displaying Advertising on YouTube

Q. Where to take the test?
A. You can take an exam any time after you sign up for the Google AdWords Certification Program.

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